Factory Smoke – Written October 2023 (Aged 48)

Factory Smoke

caught in an emotional whirlpool
it’s only perceived excitement
and perceived joy –
the type centred around escapism
that’s all that it is
and that is how it exists
we all come down the same line
born under –
similar factory smoke
different set ups,
but still the punchline to so many jokes
and it is that factory smoke –
that has the tendency to choke
so, people, they look elsewhere
as if people are boxes of answers
neatly wrapped with a bow
but it is not them that entices
it is the emotional highs
but in the end even those just leave you low
and that is one of the most deadly vices
we all come down –
the same conveyer belt
we are all born under –
similar factory smoke
and so many of us spend our lives emotionally –
just trying to stay afloat

James Garratt – October 2023

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